Water analysis with remote sensing data

The spatial analysis of targets has become an analytical technique with high potential for environmental and economic, being extremely widespread in the geosciences. It is possible to verify applications in studies involving vegetation cover, the quality and management of water resources, rock and soil mineralogy. (Pabón, 2015; Ben Dor et al., 2009; Demattê et. al., 2015; Crusta and Moore, 1989; Souza et al., 2021). With the intensification and expansion of production chains and the growing concern with sustainable development, there is a need to adopt new technologies capable of monitoring and evaluating, on a large scale, the physical environment and our natural resources. The spectral behavior of targets and the possibility of extracting a spectral signature for a thematic map classification is very useful in the modern world. However, the environmental control of large areas is still a major challenge today, indicating possibilities for expansion of territorial management sectors.
Problema que resuelve su propuesta
The purpose of this project is to create a spectral library of the coastal region of the State of Bahia in order to characterize the water quality by digital image processing techniques, Boolean model and map algebra combined with the extraction of the spectral signature in the field and in the laboratory. In this way, it would be possible to create a database about the changes caused by possible environmental interventions (mainly in areas with a high degree of pollution) in water quality and could help in environmental mapping and improve the territorial management of the state, as well as providing technical-scientific support in decision-making promoting the development and modernization of environmental management.
¿Qué impacto positivo tiene o tendría su propuesta en su comunidad? Cuáles son las mejoras concretas ambientales o sociales
This project communicates with several of INEMA's environmental programs, especially those aimed at monitoring the quality of water resources, such as issuing bathing bulletins, for example. Furthermore, it is useful in delimiting areas contaminated by hydrocarbons or heavy metals. It is articulated with the shared environmental management plan as it can be useful in the inspection and monitoring of polluting activities.
¿Por qué te interesa involucrarte con problemáticas que afectan al ambiente y/o a los océanos?
I consider it extremely important the effects that climate change has had in recent years. It is necessary to think rationally about our natural resources and sustainable ways of intervening in these resources.
Principal ODS con el que se vincula tu propuesta
ODS 6: Água limpa e saneamento
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Wow! Such an amazing project! I can´t wait to see it alive! How are you planning to make it econamically sustainable? Did you already talked to any kind of donors or partners for this? Is this a technology already used in some other places? Do you have any kind of pictures or videos related to its functionallity? It would be great to understand better how it works. All the information that you could add to your aplication will be really useful for the evaluation process. You have time until 18/7. Good luck!
hace 3 años
Excelente iniciativa, proposta e projeto.
hace 3 años
Muito pertinente esse projeto??
hace 3 años
Massa, parabéns pela iniciativa!
hace 3 años