STOP BAV was to capture audience with the mentality that one day can change their mindset to a positive vibration. to make a difference in our society and community by bringing program and project that promote peace, mindfulness, and social justice to our community. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitude, lives and ultimately the world, creating innovating life changing experiences. creating a climate for the youths and adults to empower education and job opportunities to create a peaceful and safe environment for the future of our nation the unborn children of Belizemy life term dream i am dedicating my self for my self purpose in life. to give back to the community to help give education / jobs to the needed and help the poor to stand strong again. a more peaceful Belize.
¿En qué fase está tu propuesta?
Idea phase
¿En qué categoría quieres inscribir tu idea?
Describe la necesidad o problema que deseas abordar
more education and job opportunities a place of comfort and safety. less violence or possible to stop violence. focusing on education, recreation, parenting and employment.1. First invest in desktop computers internet café free of charge for youth in and out of school and help with education also do my best to give free education to as much students I can for the rest of my life till education become free. 2. Create sports/entertainment competition with youths and adults to win education and jobs opportunity keep them off the streets and always make sure everyone is a winner.3. Create a career center to educate and to create job helping single parents or early parenting to help build a nation of well-educated youths that will force for a change to a Belize with no crime or violence. 4. Work with schools in Belize with activities and pure positivity and again keep on providing more way for free education and job opportunity with in and out the school. 5. While focusing on the youths and adults with a positive way of life I also will help our country as well. Example building of community and cleaning of community.
¿Cuál es el principal producto o servicio que ofrecerás?
internet coffee, graphic and video design, a vase variety of programs that can help our community. Sporting events, educational forum and employment opportunities by creating alliance with companies / establish business and school.
Describe brevemente la comunidad o población que se beneficiará de tu solución y de cómo planeas involucrarlos en el proyecto
everyone through out Belize will benefit for a better chance in life and i will personally reach out to everyone to involve them in my project.
¿Tiene tu propuesta un modelo de negocio (es decir, una estrategia para generar ingresos)? Por favor describe
Yes it have a basic model. photo service / media advertisement and much more will generate revenue.
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¿Crees que esta idea es
positiva para el mundo?

Apoyar idea

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Dear Leo, thankyou so much for presenting your idea. My role during this phase is tomake sure all of the information is clear for the evaluation process. Can you please explain the following: 1. How are you planning to approach the community? 2. Where are you planning to start and why? 3. What will be your main service to the community? 4. How will this main service have an impact on the community? 5. What kind of skills and capacities is your program willing to transfer? Thanks for the information. Good Luck.
hace 4 años
With my brother a ? %
hace 5 años

¿Crees que esta idea es
positiva para el mundo?

Apoyar idea

Entrega tu apoyo a "STOP BAV"

Change dah Story|Belize

Change dah Story, not just for you and me, but the community we all want to see

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